I have decided that from now on I am going to write my posts in English. I see that most of my visitors (even though it may be an accidental visit) are from the USA so I feel it is easier for folks back home in Sweden to translate what I'm writing rather than you English speaking people translating my Swedish into English. Especially since I don't have the necessary letters on my laptop to make my Swedish "translateble".
Anyways, still working on my pillow. I'm going to the fabric store to get some more fabric, when the fabric that I got on sale was not cut quite right and ended up not being 20 inches across all the way. The printing I did though turned out good, so I will definitely continue with the project and show it off later.
A new year is about to start as well. Today is the LAST day of 2010. It has been a pretty good year. I have had some difficulties getting through it at times but over all I'm pretty happy. I have gone yet another year in school with good grades, made some awesome new friends, got to go back home to Sweden for the summer (which was both good and bad, when I realized how very much I miss everyone back home), became a Godmother for the first time, started crafting pillows and I'm still madly deeply in love with my hubby. So it has been a good year.
Have a fantastic New Years Eve. We'll stay in, working on our savings. Our almost non-existing savings. We're going to make some home made pasta in my husbands new pasta making machine. Can't wait!