Sunday, March 27, 2011

Elin's Amerika

My hubby came home last night, later than we expected due to bad weather here in the ATL. He walked through the door around midnight, but at least he made it, they were about to take the whole plane to Knoxville for a while, so the fact that they actually got to land at the Atlanta airport was much appreciated. So yeah, we had really bad weather yesterday, why does it seem to always happen when Christian is out of town? I was lying in the couch blocking my ears with the volume on the tv turned up.

When he finally came home, it was gift-time! He is very good at getting me a little something when he's been out of town, whether it is a freebie from the conference or something he actually had to pay money for. This time, I think he spent a lot. He was in Minneapolis, or New Sweden as they call it. He went to the Swedish American Institute and bought us a bunch of things to remind us of my heritage:

Sweet hubby of mine. Again.

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