I was so disappointed today when I went to our garden and got to see what those storms did to it on Friday. Everything took a beating. I had to take away the lettuce, it looked like someone came and stomped on it and the onions look like they may have to be taken away as well. The carrots that I was so proud of also looks like they have been stomped all over. I went to go buy some tomato cages to give the tomatoes some support and we will see if they, with some of their limbs cut off from the hail, will recuperate and keep growing. So bummed. But I guess that's life.
Other than that, I have not done much today, working right now so I'm about to start making the kids dinner. Taco-night!
My hubby bought me some Daim at the Amsterdam airport. I'm also sniffing Lavender for relaxation. Something I do every day. |
Have a wonderful evening. (as much as I hate spring storms, I also love spring weather. it's almost 30 Celsius here and absolutely gorgeous.)
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