If, or rather WHEN I get the chance to have myself a big and beautiful garden, one of those that people can come and look at and maybe I'll sell a cucumber or two from a roadside stand, (yes, a girl can dream, can't she) I'd like to officially name it "Elin's Garden". I know, selfish huh? But it's not so much from my name, I would like to dedicate the garden to my great grandmother, who's name is also Elin, and who probably was somewhat of a reason why I got the name I got. She lived in the "city" most of the time but had a little summer cottage in the town where I grew up and I loved to go there and one of the reasons why was that she had herself a little garden. I guess it was Elin's Garden. She had the most amazing carrots. I don't know why this memory is so stuck in my head, but I think about it a lot when I'm in my garden, and it's of me and my brothers or maybe cousins, sitting in her garden picking very sweet, tiny and delicious carrots and taking them straight from the dirt and putting them right into our mouths. Yum! Anyways, I hope that I one day will have a garden that I can name "Elin's Garden". My great grandmother is still alive, she is getting very old and she has lost most of her hearing and sight, but I hope wherever she will be when I get my dream garden, that she'll smile and know she inspired me to have my very own little "Elin's Garden".
And you inspire me...