I don't know if I've mentioned that my husband is out of town. Again. Which means that I'll be celebrating Midsummer all by myself. Myself! Myself!? I can't believe it, this will be the first time I'll be doing absolutely nothing on one of my favorite days out of the year. buhu. Midsummer, for all of you that don't know what it is, is when all of Sweden celebrate the summer solstice. I believe it was on Tuesday, but Midsummer Eve is always on a Friday. Where I come from, we take this VERY VERY seriously. We spend the day with family and friends, eating good food, girls wear a wreath on their head made of flowers and we dance around the Maypole singing silly songs. In my town we do all that + we take our bikes later in the evening and go to the local "dance parlor", which is more like a barn with an okay band playing dance music (dansband), where tons of people in all ages gather and celebrate. Oh, how I'm going to miss this. Especially the bike ride home late at night/early in the morning when it really doesn't get dark and you can see the light from the sun on the horizon all night. You usually run into people on their way home from a long day of celebration, some walking along the dirt road and some may even be lying in the grass taking a snooze sobering up before heading home.
SO. I'm a little depressed at the moment. But oh well, life is not fair all the time.
Me and my hubby last year in Sweden |
So, back to my "homemade pesto" title. One of the things I hate with being alone is making dinner. It is so hard to cook for just one. But today I made some homemade pesto out of my
basil plant that turned out really good.
Red pepper flakes
Salt + pepper
Olive oil
I mixed the first 7 ingredients in my food processor and then poured in olive oil to make a smooth paste. I then cooked some pasta and mixed with the pesto and I cut up some of our cherry tomatoes from the garden. So delicious!
Have a great night everybody!
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